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I’ve Awoken the Monster

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, a little girl would draw and draw and draw. Some of those drawings were of glorious garments to be worn by princesses and queens. Then one day, an evil sorcerer cast a spell on the young girl forcing her to take job after job after job leaving little time to draw or sew. This left the little girl very, very sad.

One day, while the little girl was re-arranging books on a very dusty bookcase, she came across a book of drawings. These drawings looked familiar and a nostalgia began to build in that little girl. It grew and grew and grew until that little part of her heart woke up again. A monster that had been hidden away, climbed out and reminded the little girl how much joy drawing and then turning her illustrations into garments made her. The little girl decided it was time to stop hiding that wonderful monster away! That little girl started drawing again, every single day!

Not the end, but a new beginning.

I am that little girl. After a few decades of not drawing, I have begun again. My skills are rusty. Oh boy… are they ever.  The thing is, you need to practice. They say 10,000 hours until you have finally got it. I’m about 14 or 15 hours in at this point. I have a ways to go.

You are wondering why I decided to begin again. For myself, it is easiest for me to articulate my ideas in writing and by drawing. Since I have begun making my own garments again, I have millions of ideas floating in my head. Many moons ago, I would sketch an outfit, draft up a pattern and make it. I’ve gotten back to the latter and need to do the former to help work out the look and feel. I’ve already created one of the outfits I drew.

I’m going to do something here. Step outside of my comfort zone. I’m going to post pictures of some of the drawings I’ve done so far (these are only a few, I haven’t taken pictures of everything). Maybe in a years time, when I look back, I will see an improvement. When you look at them, be gentle. I am just starting again after many years of not drawing. I’ve awoken a monster in my head and this is how to release it.

One hour at a time… 10,000 hours ahead of me!

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