1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s


I know… it’s been a while. A really, really long while. After getting KAL/SAL burn-out, I decided to give it another go, however, doing it all differently this time around. There will be no set schedule. KALs/SALs will be random and there might be chunks of time in between. That all said, I’m back at it!

A few months ago, we started a Lavenda Rainbow Jumper SAL. It’s ongoing so if you would like to join in all of the info is on my Instagram Page or over in our Discord Group.

I might fit in one more KAL before late Spring. I will check in at a later date to see who might be interested. I will take a break from them for the Summer months (it gets waaaay too hot to knit here in the summer). Instead, I will set up a could sew-a-longs instead for the hotter months!

A hint about what the first SAL will be… it will be pants, trousers, slacks… which ever name you call them. 

Onto the KALs.

As with the Lavenda Rainbow Jumper KAL, there is no hard-set beginning or ending date. Start when you can and take as long as you need. When I am able to, I will find free patterns and when I cannot, I will link to resources for you to buy a pattern. 

Vest KAL – February 1, 2023

This is a bring-your-own vest pattern KAL. It can be a women’s, men’s, or children’s pattern, all we require is that it be a vintage knitting pattern. Generally… anything pre-1990s.

The vest I’m knitting is from the 1970s, but it would pass for a vest from the 1930s.

We run our KALs and SALs over on Discord. We would love it if you joined us there, but… if you don’t want to set up another social media thingy, you can join us here on Instagram! If you want to join our Discord group, here is the link. https://discord.gg/yPeZRJpWpk 

Aloha, Design 2636 from Sun-Glo – March 1, 2023

I have been IN LOVE with this pattern for years. I made one several years ago and gave it away to someone who really loved it. Over the years, I have been wanting to make another one and I finally decided it was time!

I bought my pattern from @Bexthefemme store. If you need to purchase the pattern, I highly recommend purchasing it from her. Bex’s patterns are always topnotch! Below are the links.

Webstore: https://subversivefemme.com/patterns/aloha-design-2636-from-sun-glo/
Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/156412444/aloha-1940s-pin-up-ribbed-jumper-vintage?click_key=b16a97fd46a518dc3aff1c26997287ead0fc82c4%3A156412444&click_sum=3d622ba3&ref=shop_home_active_2&sts=1

I hope you are able to join us for one or both of these KALs. Please let me know if you are!