1950s, 1960s, halloween, rockabilly, sewing, vintage sewing

Spooky Sewing! Bat Skirt Tutorial!

It’s spooky season!

In this video, we are going to do some spooky sewing and I’m going to tell you how I made my bat skirt! I’m also going to chat about why I chose bats as my theme this year!

I use my Cricut often for sewing. There is a detailed tutorial coming in the near future for this. Please make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss it!

There is an even more detailed blog post over on Patreon! You can follow me for free there. In the new year, I will also be adding paid content with lots of fun projects! The link is below.

Thank you for watching! Please subscribe and tell your friends! I post a new video every other Friday! Subscribing and clicking the bell notification icon ensures you won’t miss a video!  https://youtube.com/@killerkitschvintagelizzie 

If you are inclined, I have a Ko-Fi account. All donations are appreciated and will help me upgrade my equipment (lighting, microphones etc). Thank you so much! 


Other links to follow! 

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/killerkitschdesigns 

Discord: https://discord.gg/yPeZRJpWpk   

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/killerkitsch13/  

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/killerkitsch13  

Website: https://killerkitschdesigns.com/

1940s, 1945, cricut, cricut air explore 2, free knitting pattern, knit-a-long, knitting, knitting community, pants, sewing, slacks, trousers, vintage, Vintage Community, vintage knitting, vintage knitting patterns, vintage life, vintage pattern, vintage reproduction, vintage sewing, vintage style

The Batty About Bats Beret and Knit-a-long!

Hello all! Today we will unofficially celebrate the launch of my very first knitting pattern, The Batty About Bats Beret! I wouldn’t be able to celebrate without also hosting a knit-a-long! The knit-a-long will begin on October 1st! If you are interested in joining the knit-a-long, please keep reading!

The Batty About Bats Beret is based on beret patterns of the 1930s and inspired by Halloween publicity photos, taken of starlets of the time, including Clara Bow! I have chosen to adorn the spooky beret with bats. Why? I may be obsessed with them!

The Batty About Bats Beret is knit in the round with worsted weight yarn and is suitable for advanced beginners and above. However, if you are a beginner and are confident in the swirling mysteries of this beret, then please give it a try!

The Batty About Bats Beret Knit-a-long will be hosted on Discord and Ravelry (please see links below). The knit-a-long will run from October 1st until October 31st (the most spookiest day of the year). The beret is a quick knit and you should be able to finish it in a few days!


Discord: First you will need to join our Discord server here: https://discord.gg/yPeZRJpWpk0 ). Once you do, you can join the knit-a-long here: https://discord.com/channels/815228151965810718/1152309501131751527

Ravelry: https://www.ravelry.com/discuss/killer-kitsch-lizzie/topics/4276628 

Where to buy the pattern: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/batty-about-bats-beret 

Use the discount code BattyAboutBats for 20% off the pattern. (until October 7, 2023)

If you join the knit-a-long, please use hashtag #battyaboutbatsberetKAL when posting on Instagram. I would love to share your photos!

1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s


I know… it’s been a while. A really, really long while. After getting KAL/SAL burn-out, I decided to give it another go, however, doing it all differently this time around. There will be no set schedule. KALs/SALs will be random and there might be chunks of time in between. That all said, I’m back at it!

A few months ago, we started a Lavenda Rainbow Jumper SAL. It’s ongoing so if you would like to join in all of the info is on my Instagram Page or over in our Discord Group.

I might fit in one more KAL before late Spring. I will check in at a later date to see who might be interested. I will take a break from them for the Summer months (it gets waaaay too hot to knit here in the summer). Instead, I will set up a could sew-a-longs instead for the hotter months!

A hint about what the first SAL will be… it will be pants, trousers, slacks… which ever name you call them. 

Onto the KALs.

As with the Lavenda Rainbow Jumper KAL, there is no hard-set beginning or ending date. Start when you can and take as long as you need. When I am able to, I will find free patterns and when I cannot, I will link to resources for you to buy a pattern. 

Vest KAL – February 1, 2023

This is a bring-your-own vest pattern KAL. It can be a women’s, men’s, or children’s pattern, all we require is that it be a vintage knitting pattern. Generally… anything pre-1990s.

The vest I’m knitting is from the 1970s, but it would pass for a vest from the 1930s.

We run our KALs and SALs over on Discord. We would love it if you joined us there, but… if you don’t want to set up another social media thingy, you can join us here on Instagram! If you want to join our Discord group, here is the link. https://discord.gg/yPeZRJpWpk 

Aloha, Design 2636 from Sun-Glo – March 1, 2023

I have been IN LOVE with this pattern for years. I made one several years ago and gave it away to someone who really loved it. Over the years, I have been wanting to make another one and I finally decided it was time!

I bought my pattern from @Bexthefemme store. If you need to purchase the pattern, I highly recommend purchasing it from her. Bex’s patterns are always topnotch! Below are the links.

Webstore: https://subversivefemme.com/patterns/aloha-design-2636-from-sun-glo/
Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/156412444/aloha-1940s-pin-up-ribbed-jumper-vintage?click_key=b16a97fd46a518dc3aff1c26997287ead0fc82c4%3A156412444&click_sum=3d622ba3&ref=shop_home_active_2&sts=1

I hope you are able to join us for one or both of these KALs. Please let me know if you are!

1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, cardigan, knit-a-long, knitting, knitting community, vintage, Vintage Community, vintage knitting, vintage knitting patterns, vintage life, vintage pattern, vintage reproduction, vintage style

All The Cardigans!

Recently, I took an inventory of all of my hand knits. Rather than knit everything I see, I decided it might be a good idea to fill wardrobe holes. You see, the cubbies I use for my knits is bursting and I need to be a lot more selective about what I make. There are two types of garments I am lacking at the moment, summer tops and cardigans. Since winter is approaching, I thought I would get a head start adding some warm, cozy cardigans to the knits.

All of the cardigans I am knitting, have been inspired by some very lovely and talented knitters I follow on Instagram. Thank you Bex, Erica, Amanda and Suzanne! I have finished one of four I plan on making. All will be fairy quick knits since they will be in worsted weight yarn and I’m choosing colours I don’t currently have. Yes! You heard that right, they won’t be black or burgundy… though… one might be red, but a brighter red!

Oh and if you want to join in we are doing a vintage cardigan knit-a-long over in our Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/killerkitschvintagewips

As I mentioned above, I have finished one of the cardigans. Please check out the slide show below. It was a super easy knit, with one exception… the lace instructions were confusing. I read them several times, wrote them out a bunch of different ways, tried knitting them over and over and they came out wrong! I’m an experienced knitter and have knit lace before. I’m especially experienced at knitting vintage patterns and was super frustrated that I couldn’t figure out the lace part. Rather than toss the cardigan aside, I decided to do a cable pattern in the panel instead. I noticed that Suzanne (please click here to follow her Instagram account and see her version) had made a version and her lace came out perfect. I reached out to her and she had the exact same issues I did, however, she persevered and figured out the lace pattern. She has since shared it with me, so I am going to attempt the cardigan again with the lace.

In the end, I really love this pattern. The fit is amazing, it is an easy knit and it’s fast. The next one will be with lace and will likely be a gift. Eventually, I will make a second one for me.

One of my hurrah’s while knitting the Bestway A2900 was, I decided to learn how to make yarn covered buttons! They look complicated, but trust me, they are super easy! Click here for the link to the tutorial I followed.

This isn’t the best photo. This blue is hard to get a picture of. I was using worsted yarn, so it isn’t as defined as if I’d used fingering weight.

The next knit on my list is the Style 110, it’s from Botany Handknit Fashions vol. 10, circa 1957. This is another knit that was inspired by Bex Huland. (click here to follow her on Instagram and see her version) The other knit she inspired was the Denise blouse. She is also my inspiration to FINALLY make trousers!

The Botany cardigan is also in a very fast knit. Bex finished hers in 2 weeks. I’m going to be making mine in purple and instead of adding a floral trim, I’m going to attempt little black bats or if I do decide to go with flowers, they will be either a darker purple or black. There will be an updated blog post when I complete it.

I’ve been wanting to make the Nautical Topper for a really long time. I first saw it when Amanda (click here for her Instagram) knit it as a commission, but it wasn’t until I saw that Erica (click here for her Instagram) had started it and said how fast and easy it was, did I decide to add it to my WIPs list. I’m considering a few different colour combinations, likely in autumn colours rather than the red, blue and white.

I have a lot of knitting on my plate. I will squeeze the cardigans in between Yule knitting. I’m about 50% done my current WIPs for that, but am likely throwing in that cardigan I mentioned. However… I live in Ontario and winter is loooooong! I have plenty of time.

1950s, knit-a-long, knitting, knitting community, vintage, Vintage Community, vintage knitting, vintage knitting patterns, vintage life, vintage pattern, vintage reproduction, vintage style

Denise Patons 323 Pop-up KAL

We are starting to do some pop-up KALs/CALs/SALs over in our WIPs Facebook group. I know it is really hard for many to buy fabric or yarn right now, so we are trying to make them stash busters. These are also very loose in their deadline. Start and end when you can. Once we are out of Pandemic Jail we will go back to regular KALs/CALs/SALs.

A few of us are doing the Denise Patons 323 jumper and we thought it would be fun to see if anyone else wanted to join. You can join here or in the WIPs group. (https://www.facebook.com/groups/killerkitschvintagewips/)

If you are joining us please tag me over on Instagram (@killerkitsch13) and use hashtag #killerkitschknitalong

The pattern can be purchased over on Bex Huland’s Etsy shop, Subversive Femme! Here is the link https://www.etsy.com/listing/798662282/denise-a-multi-coloured-jumper-from?ref=shop_home_active_1&crt=1.

I’ve chosen some Fall colours for my jumper, because not only is it my favourite time of year, they are colours that just suit me! I’m also doing the order of colours opposite of the photo with the darker colour on the bottom and the light colours on top. So… Purple, orange then yellow.

The yarn being used is a fingering yarn. I know many don’t like to use this weight because they feel like the task of knitting with it is daunting. Also, there are 5″ of 1 x 1 ribbing for this top and that alone might deter you, but trust me, this knits up pretty fast. You aren’t using teeny tiny needles and that is truly helpful! After only a few days of knitting a few hours a night (see photo below) I am already onto the body and as of today am almost at the point where I will change colours.

We would love it if you joined us. If you aren’t on Facebook, you can also join us over on Instagram!

Happy Knitting!

crochet, crochet pattern, crochet-a-long, knit-a-long, knitting, knitting community, sew-a-long, sewing, vintage, Vintage Community, vintage crochet, vintage knitting, vintage knitting patterns, vintage life, vintage pattern, vintage reproduction, vintage sewing, vintage style

It’s been a while!

How is everyone doing? I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted here and even longer since I’ve posted a SAL/KAL/CAL. We are going to be running a sew your stash-a-long in our Killer Kitsch Facebook Vintage WIPs group, please join us if you are working through your stash as well.

I’ve also been posting a lot over in my Lizzie Violet blog. It’s been a daily thing and I’m posting about learning how to including sewing, knitting, cross stitch and crochet. Below are some of the links.

How to crochethttps://lizzieviolet.com/2020/04/27/stay-the-fuck-home-learn-how-to-crochet-edition/

How to knithttps://lizzieviolet.com/2020/04/26/stay-the-fuck-home-learn-how-to-knit-edition/

Sewing Machine Maintenancehttps://lizzieviolet.com/2020/04/15/stay-the-fuck-home-sewing-machine-maintenance-edition/

How to sewhttps://lizzieviolet.com/2020/03/21/stay-the-fuck-home-the-sewing-edition/

Sewing part 2https://lizzieviolet.com/2020/04/24/stay-the-fuck-home-sewing-tutorials-part-deux-edition/

I’m also giving a hey to dining room sewists. I know what it’s like. Many of us live in apartments and sadly, don’t have the luxury of a sewing room. Where are you setting up for your sewing? Post in the comments below. My set-up is on our dining room. For cutting out and drafting patterns, I lay down a bunch of foam mats that look like puzzle pieces. They are meant for kids to play on. This protects the table. When I’m drafting, I lay bristol board on top of it. Everything courtesy of the dollar store!

How is your sewing/knitting/crochet/cross-stitch going? Are you inspired to stay creative or have you lost the desire?

1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, bolero, cardigan, crochet, crochet pattern, crochet-a-long, free knitting pattern, free pattern, knit-a-long, knitting, knitting community, shrug, vintage, Vintage Community, vintage crochet, vintage knitting, vintage knitting patterns, vintage life, vintage pattern, vintage reproduction, vintage style

Boleros, Cardigans and Shrugs in heavy yarns oh my!

I don’t know about you, but when September rolls in I feel the need to break out the cardigans. We have decided to change this KAL/CAL up a bit and ask that you use heavier yarns for your jumpers, such as worsted weight and higher (thank you Erica for the idea!)

The October to December (October 1 to December 31st) knit-a-long in our Vintage Knitting group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/killerkitschvintageknitalong/) will be another bring your own pattern; it just needs to be vintage (1960s and earlier). But here is the twist, it can be knit, crochet or a combination of both! Not to worry, if you don’t have a pattern in your stash we will be providing some pattern information that will be found over in our Facebook group.  

If you post your KAL photos on Instagram please tag me at @killerkitsch13 and use tags #killerkitschknitalong and #cardiganalong.

Not to worry, if you don’t have a pattern in your stash we will be providing some pattern information that will be found over in our Facebook group.  

1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, crochet, crochet pattern, crochet-a-long, knit-a-long, knitting, knitting community, sew-a-long, sewing, vintage crochet, vintage knitting, vintage knitting patterns, vintage sewing

Knitting yourself into an injury!

PSA from the girl who can’t knit/crochet or sew (it hurts to cut fabric) for the next 4 to 6 weeks. I learned a hard lesson and need to share it with all of you. 😔 

I am someone who would, without realizing it, knit for hours at a time. It wouldn’t be until my digits or wrists got tired, would I realize how long I had been knitting. Then, I noticed my thumb started to get stiff in the morning (when I woke up), then sore and hard to straighten out right away (I would need to stretch it)… now it hurts to bend. Two weeks ago I stopped knitting to see if that would help, but it didn’t. I went to the doctor and I have tendonitis and it will take 4 to 6 weeks to heal fully. I’m frustrated because I can’t knit, crochet or sew and I have to be patient. Not being able to at least knit is making me antsy!

Many times I read how important resting and stretching was, but I didn’t heed this information thinking I would be fine. Don’t be like me! Take lots of breaks and stretch your hands before, during and after knitting/crochet. It will save you from injuring your digits or wrists. Here are the stretches and strengthening excises I’ve been doing. https://www.healthline.com/health/de-quervains-tenosynovitis-exercises?fbclid=IwAR0Bf34cj0-MF4o52hHbHHShFBv9_99NIfvu6sCJm7v2T3tr1pUN2VF6f-o#thumb-lifts

On the positive side, I’m hoping it is healed up in time for the next KAL/SAL and for my winter cardigan knitting plans. Unfortunately, I can’t even sew ATM because even cutting out fabric is hurting my thumb. I’ve missed out on the Beach PJ SAL and possibly the Betty dress SAL. 😔 
Do yourself a favour and take care of your hands!

1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, crochet, crochet pattern, crochet-a-long, knit-a-long, knitting, knitting community, sew-a-long, sewing, vintage, Vintage Community, vintage crochet, vintage knitting, vintage knitting patterns, vintage life, vintage pattern, vintage reproduction, vintage sewing, vintage style

52 Outfits in 52 Weeks! Update!

Did she do it? Did she succeed in her 52 garment in 52 weeks challenge? Well…. almost.

How many garments have I made so far? Since July 1st, 2018, I have made 45 garments for myself. On top of that, I’ve made 3 sweaters for my husband and several hats/scarves and a purse for myself (approx. 49 pieces including those). (I have also made many hats and scarves as gifts to others as well) OH and I should mention I made all these from either vintage patterns, self-drafted the patterns myself (I learned how to draft patterns in High School. Thank you Mrs. Hewitt) or made them from vintage reproduction patterns. My memade wardrobe is all vintage reproduction.

I’m proud of this. It’s been a lot of hard work, but I love it because it is another way to stretch my creativity! My goal is that most of my wardrobe is memade, with a small percentage of it from thrifting or clothing swaps. I’m getting there! The extra bonus of making my own clothing, they fit properly!!!

To help keep me motivated, I created groups and we have knit-a-longs, sew-a-longs, crochet-a-longs, and refashion-a-longs. These groups are my happy place!

Where does my original inspiration come from? My Mother is my sewing inspiration. She taught me how to sew when…. I think it was ten-years-old — she says I was younger than that. I learned how to sew on a Treadle sewing machine (My Great Grandma Brown’s (made in 1898)) that I now own. My Mom also made her own and all of our clothing (when we were kids), without patterns. That’s right folks, wanting to self-draft my own patterns vs using premade patterns is in the blood!

I’m incredibly happy with my achievement this year. Even after sewing for decades I am still learning new skills. That brings me to my new goal. Starting August 1st I am going to begin using Draft-at-home systems. I have quite a few that include Haslam, Mrs. Depew and many others. I’ve done a blog post on it, it you want to give it a gander! https://killerkitschdesigns.com/2019/03/13/draft-at-home-systems/

In the meantime, I’m off to sew!

1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, crochet, crochet pattern, crochet-a-long, free knitting pattern, knit-a-long, knitting, knitting community, vintage, Vintage Community, vintage crochet, vintage knitting, vintage knitting patterns, vintage life, vintage pattern, vintage reproduction, vintage style

Vintage Summer Knit-a-long

If we knit or crochet it, summer will come!

The July to September (July 1 to September 30) knit-a-long in our Vintage Knitting group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/killerkitschvintageknitalong/) will be another bring your own pattern; it just needs to be vintage (1950s and earlier) and be a summer jumper. But here is the twist, it can be knit, crochet or a combination of both! Not to worry, if you don’t have a pattern in your stash we will be providing some pattern information that will be found over in our Facebook group.  

If you post your KAL photos on Instagram please tag me at @killerkitsch13 and use tags #killerkitschknitalong and #summeralong.